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- Flexibility in Ambidextrous Design Works both inside and outside the waist band and for right- and left-handed carrying. Wear in any holster position, ranging from cross draw to appendix. Change from the Simple Metal Clips to the Tougher Belt Loop Attachment Points.
- This Holster Fits Too Many Models To List Them All! It's a perfect fit for the Smith and Wesson K & L Frame Revolvers, SD9 / SD40, SW9VE / SW40VE. It Fits Virtually any 1911! Kimber, S&W, Colt, Remington, Browning, Ruger, Taurus, Sig Sauer and More!
- Fits Most Full Size & Compact Handguns in 9MM, .40, .45 and More! Works for both Concealed or Open Carry! Fits Taurus G2 / G2C / G3 / PT111 / PT140, H&K VP9 / VP40, Sig Sauer P320, S&W Shield Plus.
- This Is The Perfect Holster For Your Glock! It Fits Glock 19 / 19X / 23 / 32 | Glock 17 / 17L / 22 / 31 / 40 | Glock 26 / 27 / 33 | Glock 45 / 45x. This holster fits all Standard and Compact Glocks with or without Lights, Lasers, Red Dots Etc.